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Windows 10 Debloater Tool V2.6.11 | Debloat GUI Last Updated


EZ Debloater
►ezdebloater.txt : contains the PowerShell scripts for the ‘EZ Debloater’ tab page.

Advanced Debloater
►advanceddebloater.txt : contains the PowerShell scripts for the ‘Advanced Debloater’ tab page.
►desktoppreset.txt : contains the ‘Desktop’ preset for ‘Advanced Debloater’.
►laptoppreset.txt : contains the ‘Laptop’ preset for ‘Advanced Debloater’.
►minimalpreset.txt : contains the ‘Minimal’ preset for ‘Advanced Debloater’.
►vmpreset.txt : contains the ‘Virtual Machine’ preset for ‘Advanced Debloater’.

Fine-Tuning Debloater
►data.txt : contains the options(function names) to select from (usually only 2 options that something is Enable or Disable). Notice the sections and how a comma and double quotes separate them. The last option in each section does not have a comma. Add or substract from the set.
►functions.txt : contains the complete functions named from data.txt. These are the commands that get run. Add or substract from the set.
►debloatpreset.txt : contains debloat preset. Click this option from the menu in program.
►defaultpreset.txt : contains Windows Defaults preset. Click this option from the menu in program.

Localizations – Translations
►tooltip.txt : Contains ToolTips for each radiobutton option.
►ui.txt : Contains UI text for each UI element/control.

►README.txt : This text file for information and link resources.

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